Investiture Ceremony

News Report – Investiture Ceremony 2023

Kalpa School, 8th July 2023


The Investiture Ceremony of Kalpa School was held on 8th of July 2023 to showcase and imbibe in the students on essence of leadership and responsibility. This ceremony signifies the reliance and confidence that the school consigns in the newly invested student office bearers.


The ceremony commenced on the arrival of the esteemed Chief Guest Mr. Mohammed Farukhi. He is a remarkable IAS officer Director, Prohibition and Excise Department, Telangana who has achieved great success in his field of expertise. The school was honored to have him as the Guest of Honor because he is a source of inspiration to the young minds.


The Chief Guest was escorted by the Director of Kalpa School Mrs Kusum Gupta ma’am, Principal Ayesha Jeelani ma’am and Vice-Principal Kusuma Prasad ma’am during the Guard of Honour performed by the Head Boy, Head Girl, Deputy Head Boy and Deputy Head Girl.


This was followed by an organised, rhythmic and steady march parade by the Kalpa Prefects Cabinet. The march was lead by the Head Boy holding the majestic Kalpa Flag. He was followed by the Sports Captains, House Captains and all the office bearers. The Kalpa Cabinet marched with precision, perfection, pride and synchronization with the School Flags soaring high.


This elaborate ceremony was contained by pinning of badges by the Chief Guest and announcement of the respective positions. The Oath Ceremony took place in which the prefects took complete responsibility of their roles and promised to uphold the high ideals of the school and pledged to contribute to the positive enrichment of the students. It was a glorious spectacle and an extremely proud moment for the parents teachers and the school management.


The Chief Guest honored the ceremony by addressing the students after the Oath Ceremony. His motivational speech ignited a fire within the hearts of the newly appointed leaders and the entire student community fostering a spirit of determination and resilience.


The Director Mrs Kusum Gupta Ma’am concluded the ceremony by thanking Chief Guest. This investiture ceremony was not only bestowing of titles and responsibilities but also was a celebration of the potential, recognition of capability and the commitment to a journey of growth and excellence.



                                                                                                                                                                                                              Aishwarya Gayatri Kandala (Class 10th)

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       Deputy Head Girl